Food. Education. Support. You Got This!
WIC is The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. WIC does not ask or keep information about visa status or citizenship. All responses are kept confidential.
WIC gives you resources, knowledge and tools to help you and support your family. It’s free for moms, dads, grandparents, foster parents and all Colorado families who qualify. Whether you're pregnant, already a mom or raising a child younger than 5, you can get the right personalized support for you and your family.
WIC’s goal is to help keep pregnant and breastfeeding women and children younger than age 5 healthy. WIC offers you the following benefits:
Free, Healthy Food
- Fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Milk, cheese and more.
- Cereal and other grains.
- Peanut butter, beans and more.
Breastfeeding Support
- Breastfeeding information.
- Breast pumps.
- Mom-to-mom support through peer counselors.
- Breastfeeding support groups.
- Classes and information.
- Community breastfeeding resources.
Nutrition Education
- Personalized nutrition counseling on a variety of topics, including meal planning, maintaining a healthy weight, picky eaters, caring for a new baby, breastfeeding for working moms and planning meals on a budget.
- Shopping tips.
- Nutritional needs during pregnancy.
- Family-friendly recipes.
Referrals to Care Beyond WIC
- Low-cost immunization referrals.
- Referrals for low-cost medical and dental care, health insurance, child care, housing, breastfeeding support and other services that can benefit the whole family.
- Substance abuse counseling.
- Domestic abuse counseling.
- Social services.
Video: Welcome to Colorado WIC (English) | Bienvenido a Colorado WIC (Spanish) | Colorado WIC မှလှိုက်လှဲစွာကြိုဆိုပါသည်။ (Burmese). Use YouTube's caption feature to view subtitles in Arabic, Nepali, or Somali.
Video: Orientation to Colorado WIC Benefits and Services (English) | Guía orientativa de los beneficios y servicios de Colorado WIC (Spanish) | Colorado WIC အကျိုးကျေးဇူးများနှင့် ဝန်ဆောင်မှုများကို ဦးတည်ခြင်း။ (Burmese). Use YouTube's caption feature to view subtitles in Arabic, Nepali, or Somali.
Video: Colorado WIC Shopping Tips (English) | Consejos para comprar en Colorado WIC (Spanish) | ကော်လိုရာဒို WIC စျေးဝယ်အကြံပြုချက်များ (Burmese). Use YouTube's caption feature to view subtitles in Arabic, Nepali, or Somali.
Shopping is Easy

Using your eWIC card
eWIC makes it easy to use your benefits

WICShopper App
Check allowable foods and benefits on the go